
Friday, April 22, 2011

the heart of the matter

Mary had her appointment at Sick Kids yesterday. We once again got the unfortunate news that Mary has Long QT Syndrome like my Mom, myself, and Gavin. They took an ECG before she was seen by her Cardiologist (she was not impressed by this process so we had to hold her down and keep her focused using a musical toy). After which it was read by her Cardiologist where he could most definitely see that there was a significant interval between her Q and T wave. He explained the process to us again like he did when he told us Gavin had it. I felt like I was in shock because I wasn't expecting both of my kids to have it but I was strong and held back the tears. We have elected to put her on meds early as we did with Gavin because I don't feel like leaving something as unpredictable as LQTS in the hands of fate. She will begin with a fairly low dose beta-blocker but she will also be getting some of my beta-blocker because she is still nursing. Her next appointment is in three months where at that time they will up her dose based on the amount of weight she has gained.

We were then sent down to get her blood drawn to be sent out to the States for genetic testing to see if she carries the LQTS gene. This was not fun at all and I don't wish it on my worst enemy. All you could hear were the screams and cries of little kids having their blood drawn. A mother's worst nightmare. It was a number system so we had to wait for about 20 minutes until our number was called. We laid her down on the table and the nurse prepped her tiny hand with the tiny tourniquet. It was all I could do not to faint. Then the needle went in and she let out a huge wail. It went relatively fast though because the nurse was so good. I picked her up and nursed her right away and I think she barely remembered what had just happened. It scarred me and Brandon more than anything. So we will know the results when we go back in three months. They will most likely be positive.

I would be so grateful if you could please share/visit this site in your free time to better understand arrhythmia disorders and possibly make a donation to The Canadian Sads Foundation.

Interest in and awareness of inherited cardiac rhythm disorders among medical professionals and in the community is at an all time high. A number of high profile events and the surrounding media coverage have brought much needed attention to the SADS story. That said, there is still an enormous amount of work required to safeguard the lives of the 28,000 young Canadians potentially living with an undiagnosed inherited cardiac rhythm disorder and to prevent many of the 700 to 1,200 deaths of children and young people each year.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

one day at a time

Not looking forward to tomorrow. M.J. has her appointment at Sick Kids to be tested for LQTS. First she'll have her ECG done (which is the easy part) and then possibly have to go home with a 24-48hr Holter monitor (again, pretty easy). But it's the blood work that is freaking me out. When Gavin was tested it took them about five bloody tries with the little baby butterfly needle before they could get the amount they needed. It was me and Brandon who had to hold a three-week-old baby down. I think this time I'll need to be sedated. I'm also dreading the waiting period until we get the results back. They'll send her sample off for genetic testing to a lab in the States and we'll find out the results in about 2-3 weeks. I hope at least one of my kids can be spared from their mother's lousy genes. But at least this time if the results show up positive for LQTS we know the drill and Mary will have her big brother as a shining example of how to be a normal happy little kid even though you have a shady ticker.

Things have been pretty busy/chaotic around here these days. At least its a semi kinda organized chaos. I can just imagine what this place is gonna look like when Mary starts moving. Hopefully by that time we'll have gotten the basement organized into the playroom. Life is a lot more difficult when you have two lives to look after instead of just one. When I take them out in the stroller I get smiles from people and almost a look of respect. Like a pseudo Wonder Woman? NOT. At least we are getting out, even though the weather is being less than cooperative. Mother Nature is a bitch! The LAMP toddler drop-in has been great for Gavin. Let's him burn off all that pent up energy. The little cherub is napping as I type. *Bless*

Oh and I think I forgot to mention that I went and did a silly thing and said I'd like to host Easter Dinner this year. I don't know what kinda Mommy high I was on that day? But at least I've elected to do a "buffet style" complete with an apple glazed ham and all your basic festive trimmings so it shouldn't get too outta control...let's hope. It'll be nice to have something in our home with the kids and both sides of the fam this time. I'm sure Gavin will get a kick out of his first official Easter egg hunt.

Happy Easter All!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

We're Going OUT!

Having a little too much fun around here to post these days.

This song says it all (and also reminds me of the good 'ole days of getting messy at the Blow Up).

View from the end of my street! GAH!

P.S. The new wheels finally arrived so we are a lot more mobile now! We settled on a Phil & Ted's. And actually got the Explorer model for the same price as the Classic because the store we ordered from messed up. SWEET! I had been so anti Phil & Ted's for the longest time because of the set up of the stroller. Turns out I was worried for nothing because I was just seeing people using them the wrong way. And Gavin thinks he's on an amusement ride so who can argue with a happy toddler?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Domestic Diva, Say What?

Wow. These past couple of weeks have gone by in the blink of an eye. Our home has been a revolving door of friends and family coming to visit our newest edition. Its been so nice. It makes this house feel like the home we always wanted. They also bring food with them...delicious food! The only problem is I'm losing track of who's Tupperware is who's.

I'm really surprising myself at how on top of things I am (and without the help of spreadsheets). I know there will be those "mama said there'd be days like this" days, especially as Mary Joan starts movin' and shakin'. I'm not fooling myself by any means. But its been nice to welcome Mary Joan into a relatively calm cool and collected environment. I'm sure it has a lot to do with her being the second kiddo. You kinda put your guard down a little more and roll with the punches. Not every little baby blunder turns into the end of the world as we know it.

I've also been able to do some extra curricular tasks which kinda gets put on the back burner when you are a nine to fiver. So I guess for the next 11 months I can't really say I'm a hip working mom? Maybe a hip working mom on mat leave? Yeah, that'll work. Been able to get some things organized, unpack a few more boxes, and oh yeah I've been able to start baking/cooking some new dishes (which contrary to popular belief I do enjoy). But don't worry I'm not going to become my worst enemy and start acting like I'm Julia Child incarnated. Well, maybe just one pic of my ultra yummy French Apple Tart. First time making it and pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I think next I'll try my hand at a baked brie in puff pastry with cranberries. Mmmmmm, brieeeeeee!!

We've also asked some wonderful friends and fam to be Mary Joan's godparents. So Michelle, Nicky, and Darcy have accepted with pleasure and we couldn't be happier! Yes, she has two godmothers, because its a tough world out there and every little girl should have at least two godmothers!

What else is new? Wedding season is fast approaching and I'm trying to get this bod in shape so I can look like one sexy mama again. Thinking of taking myself over to Anthropologie at Shops on Don Mills next month and seeing if I can spot myself a sexy little number. And NO, I don't think that because a gal enjoys a little shopping therapy and some heals and makeup from time to time that it makes her prissy or a distracted mother. It means my kids will have good memories of their Ma getting out and enjoying herself from time to time. I use to love it when my parents would have their Friday or Saturday dates and go off dancing with my Aunts and Uncles. We'd stay back and have a ball (torture) with the babysitter.

Ummmm, sent out Mary Joan's birth announcements (so proud Mama and Papa are we). And the big birth announcement will be in this Saturday Star's edition (April 9th) of the Toronto Star. We will definitely be buying up the entire stock from the corner store!

That's all I got for now. But one last thing before I bid adieu...please check out my brother, Ryan Gavel as he performs with Lucie Idlout at this years National Aboriginal Awards. They will be televised this Saturday, April 9th at 8pm EST on Global TV.

That's all.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Welcome to the Diaper House

It's day one flying solo without Daddy around for back-up. So far so good. This will be a quickie post because time is of the essence around here these days. I made sure to get myself up and out of bed and into the shower before the cavalry woke up. It really makes things much easier when you're all ready to go before they are. Also, I'm one of those gals that isn't too good at sitting around in pj's and unshowered all day. It makes me feel icky and depressed. Mind you, I haven't washed my hair in four days...but damn does it have a healthy glow! Next got bebe nursed and changed and just as I was finished big brother gave me a call from his room ("Maaaaa!!") to let me know he was up and Adam. Got him dressed and changed and enjoyed a nice little breakfast together while watching Chugginton. Then we had a little visit from his old babysitter and playmate, which I was happy for because I knew it would tire him out and make him have a longer morning nap.

I know I'm exhausted but I really don't have time to fully feel it yet. As I said to the hubby on the phone today, "I'm too busy to be tired". Normally when the first one would be sleeping so would I but it's a little harder to do that this time around. Actually, I really should be catching a little kip on the couch as we speak because both are napping like little angels at the moment. So what am I doing here? I gotta couch calling my name people!

P.S. Happy 1 week Birthday to my beautiful baby girl!

Friday, April 1, 2011

a moment, a love, a dream, a laugh, a kiss, a cry

Our little girl, Mary Joan Gingras, arrived bright and early on Tuesday morning at 1:22am on March 29, 2011. My family feels so complete now that she is here in our lives. So much to say but so little time right now. Too busy falling more in love with my family more and more everyday. Daddy and Gavin are off at the park having some much needed daddy and son time. Spring is here!