
Sunday, March 25, 2012

This is it...don't get scared now.

Trying incredibly hard to get this post started.  However, I'm sitting here with a mini sombrero on my head whilst holding a mini accordion in my lap as my toddler yells at me to play him a sea chantey.  I've been trying to get something typed out for the past two weeks.  This is my life now.  

Work, sleep, wipe bums (and runny noses), feed dog, pick up, drop off, get groceries, feed cat, try and make it appear to the outside world that I am potty training my 2-year-old and its going GREAT, remember that yes the dog also needs to go potty, think up what I'm gonna say in the ass-kissing session with my boss tomorrow (also known as the 'Performance Appraisal'.  Yes, a Performance Appraisal after being back a total of 1 week from maternity gotta love management.) Oh, and did I mention coming up with creative and healthy meal ideas?  Being creative does not come easily when I'm staring at a computer screen at 4:15pm contemplating the gridlock I'll be facing on the 401 in another 30 minutes.  

I remember when my biggest worry was deciding what belt and purse to wear with an outfit.  Gone are the days of a well put togethered ensemble.  Christ, I almost walked out the door last week headed to work without putting on any make-up.  The horror...the horror.  Me and the hubby lived care free.  Take-out and nights out dancing until the wee hours of the morn.  The idea of mortgage payments, picking out stroller models, and RRSP contributions were something that 30 somethings did.  And here we are.  Seven years, two apartments, a cat, a dog, two houses, and two kids later. Holy shit...we're adults. 

But you know there's something about all of this organized mass chaos that is coming strangely natural to me.  I am officially the working/stay-at-home-mom.  I have to say that I'm kinda digging it.  The best of both worlds if you ask me.  I get my special time with two of my most favourite people in the entire world but during those moments when I'm at my absolute wits end (Kramer vs Kramer time) all I have to do is remember that I get to go to work for a little escape for three days.  When the hell did work become a getaway?  Not fair.  Back to the Kramer vs Kramer time...I have fondly coined this phrase to my husband.  All I need to do is give him the "look" and say 'I'm about to go Kramer vs Kramer up in here' and he knows to take the offspring and let me decompress.  Those who do not know the background story of Kramer vs Kramer you may now go Google it and proceed to laugh hysterically at Cheryl's clever dry sense of humour.

Dear Blog, I have missed you immensely.  It's good to back. xo