
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

one day at a time

Not looking forward to tomorrow. M.J. has her appointment at Sick Kids to be tested for LQTS. First she'll have her ECG done (which is the easy part) and then possibly have to go home with a 24-48hr Holter monitor (again, pretty easy). But it's the blood work that is freaking me out. When Gavin was tested it took them about five bloody tries with the little baby butterfly needle before they could get the amount they needed. It was me and Brandon who had to hold a three-week-old baby down. I think this time I'll need to be sedated. I'm also dreading the waiting period until we get the results back. They'll send her sample off for genetic testing to a lab in the States and we'll find out the results in about 2-3 weeks. I hope at least one of my kids can be spared from their mother's lousy genes. But at least this time if the results show up positive for LQTS we know the drill and Mary will have her big brother as a shining example of how to be a normal happy little kid even though you have a shady ticker.

Things have been pretty busy/chaotic around here these days. At least its a semi kinda organized chaos. I can just imagine what this place is gonna look like when Mary starts moving. Hopefully by that time we'll have gotten the basement organized into the playroom. Life is a lot more difficult when you have two lives to look after instead of just one. When I take them out in the stroller I get smiles from people and almost a look of respect. Like a pseudo Wonder Woman? NOT. At least we are getting out, even though the weather is being less than cooperative. Mother Nature is a bitch! The LAMP toddler drop-in has been great for Gavin. Let's him burn off all that pent up energy. The little cherub is napping as I type. *Bless*

Oh and I think I forgot to mention that I went and did a silly thing and said I'd like to host Easter Dinner this year. I don't know what kinda Mommy high I was on that day? But at least I've elected to do a "buffet style" complete with an apple glazed ham and all your basic festive trimmings so it shouldn't get too outta control...let's hope. It'll be nice to have something in our home with the kids and both sides of the fam this time. I'm sure Gavin will get a kick out of his first official Easter egg hunt.

Happy Easter All!

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